Summer Research Programs
Welcome to our database of summer research programs for undergraduates!
Research experiences for undergraduates (REUs, also known as SURPs or SURFs) are paid summer internships, usually for 6-8 weeks (sometimes including housing) at research institutions. Undergraduates are paired with a lab and gain valuable research experience. These are extremely helpful for obtaining post-graduate jobs in STEM and applying to graduate or professional schools.
Our database contains more than 450 SURP programs. We encourage you to use the drop down menus below (in different combinations, if necessary!) to help you find a program that is right for you.
If information is out of date, check the program's website to be sure. Deadlines are usually around the same time each year, so a program deadline for 2021 will usually correspond to roughly the same time in 2022. If a webpage appears non-functional, it could mean that the program's website URL has changed - if you are interested in a specific program, try googling it to see if there is a more current website.
For prospective Physician-Scientists (MD-PhD/DO-PhD), check out this additional list by the American Physician Scientists Association.
We welcome new submissions! To submit an entry to this database, please click here.
10 summer programs per page . . . turn page to see more results
Is there a change we should be aware of? Please contact us and let us know!
Our databases are maintained as a volunteer effort by our team.